World Password Day falls on the first Thursday of every May. Created by Intel in 2013, it is a day for raising awareness about the role strong passwords play in securing our digital environment.

From bank accounts to social media profiles, nearly every online application requires a password. Check out our tips below to help ensure your passwords are strong enough to secure your information.

  • Use a different password for each of your accounts.
  • Create passphrases instead of short letter/number combinations. 
  • Aim for 12 characters or more. 
  • Incorporate capitalization, numbers, and symbols. 
  • Avoid using personal information like birthdates, pet names, etc. 
  • Consider using a password manager like Bitwarden to quickly log in to your accounts while keeping your passwords protected. 
  • Add an extra layer of security with multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Additionally, consider staying ahead of potential cyber threats with Red Sentry subscriptions. To ensure your assets are protected, we are offering External Vulnerability Scanning that keeps businesses, schools, nonprofits, and more secure and compliant 24/7/365. The subscription also includes Credential Monitoring which tracks and alerts when stolen or cracked credentials are discovered for sale.

To learn more about our Red Sentry offerings, connect with a Prismworks representative or email

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